Importance of Diamond Cuts and Their Role in Diamond Rings

Importance of Diamond Cuts and Their Role in Diamond Rings

Diamonds have always been celebrated for their sparkle; and therefore, they are incorporated in engagement and other crucial rings and jewelry. But the size and clarity of the diamond in question do not create a diamond, cutting of the diamond is the most important aspect of the diamond. Therefore, knowing the various diamond cuts and their relation to the diamond rings makes it easy to get the right ring that will give out the best light.

What is Diamond Cut?

The term diamond cut is not concerned necessarily with the cutting of the diamond but is focused on how the facets of the diamond handle light. They include the shape of the diamond, the symmetry of the diamond, and the cutting of the facets; these tell you how bright the diamond will be. In the light of this, a well-cut diamond will have the light moving from one facet to the next, through the Stone, and eventually rising through the upper portion of the diamond to produce the utmost brilliance.

Science Behind Diamond Cuts

That means that the cutting or shaping of a diamond is a very technical area of work and requires a lot of professionalism. It means that the diamond will be cleaved in such a way that its size and shape as well as the angle of the facet will enable the most efficient transmission of light through it. The key factors that influence the cut of a diamond are:


This is the relation of angles and sizes of figures, or facets of diamond. That is why parts that have to be reflective and refractive have to be of the perfect dimension.


This demonstrates the cut of the facets that make up a diamond and how well one can fit into the other. When the cut of the diamond is excellent there is a great flow and rapport of the diamond.


The ‘fire’ of the diamond means the absence of any sort of ‘edge’ on the diamond. This only happens when the diamond has undergone the best polish that is the light can get into the diamond and out of it freely.

Types of Diamond Cuts

There are various cuts in diamonds, and they include the following:

Round Brilliant Cut

Perhaps the most familiar and possibly the oldest, distinguished by brilliance and fire with a total of 58 facets.

Princess Cut

A recent design in a square or rectangular form which makes the outlook very sleek with extremely high light reflection.

Emerald Cut

A square cut with steps on the facets for a sleeker look than brilliant cuts and it is less brilliant than the latter.

Cushion Cut

It is a cut made in the form of a square or rectangle with rounded corners and has that old-world look that can be described as romantic.


Round brilliant cut in longer format and has fair brilliance like the round brilliant cut but in a different shape.


It is a cut that is round-shaped and enhances the apparent carat weight of the stone to be a lot more than it is.

Asscher Cut

Similar to the emerald cut it has a square shape, is art-deco and has a deep depth that creates its fire.

Function of Cuts in Diamond Rings

The cut of a diamond is a powerful factor that indicates the general appearance and price of a diamond ring. Here are several reasons why diamond cuts are crucial:

Brilliance and Fire

The cut defines how light will be dealt with by the diamond hence the brilliance and fire of the said stone. This means that a well-cut diamond will be more lively looking and will be sparkling more as compared to a dull looking improperly cut diamond.

Perceived Size

Shapes that include cushion, round, and princess can make a diamond look larger than the carat weight that it is. For example, there are shapes like oval and marquise shapes that give the diamond the impression of being larger than it is.

Shape and Style

Diamond shape and style depend on the cut which makes it unique, and it can be done in a style that is most preferred. The variety of cuts implies different looks: the round brilliant is eternal, while the princess cut is bolder.


When selecting a diamond ring, there is therefore the need to learn the qualities of the different diamond cuts. The cut also affects the beauty of the diamond and its value, and that is why it plays a vital role in choosing a diamond to buy. Therefore, if you make a wise decision in choosing a cut of the diamond, your ring will be brilliant and shall continue to be brilliant, making it extraordinary for showing the sign of your love. It also should be pointed out that every woman imagines her engagement ring to have an ideal cut whether it can be round brilliant or princess.